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Walk On - Genesis 20 - 22

One of the most famous and emotionally vexing stories in the Bible comes from Genesis 22 - Abraham is commanded to sacrifice his only son with Sarah to the Lord as a burnt offering (v. 2). It is perplexing for so many reasons as a parent, not just a mother, but looking at from even Abraham's point of view. Why would God promise him something (Ch. 17. and specifically v. 19) and then ask him to sacrifice the one through whom the nations are to come? It doesn't make any sense. If it were me, I would have had a lot more to say than Abraham had, apparently. According to the scriptures, all he did was "obey" (v. 3).

In reality, I can't speak to what Abraham might have been feeling or thinking because the Word doesn't share any of that. He probably had many emotions that were quite raw and painful throughout their journey to the mountain and while walking up the mountain, but it doesn't say. I would assume, there was some emotional, mental, and spiritual wrestling that went on with he walked on.

But that is just it... as he walked on. Abraham obeyed. Now given, setting and timing are everything. Remember that this is pre-10 commandments. It doesn't change who God is, but the fact is that there were no laws at the time that said, "thou shalt not kill." However, it was a different day and age than it is now. If someone said that they were told by God to sacrifice their son, well... we know what would happen - not good. But, back in that day and age, it was different, yet, it didn't make what he had to do any easier. God had made a promise to him, and yet now it had to have seemed like He was negating on it.

But...Abraham walked on. He evidently fea

red the Lord, obeyed without question, and right away. How could he do it? I think that two possibilities came to mind as he obeyed:

Because God had promised to make nations form his son Isaac (17:19) 1. God would provide an entirely different sacrificial lamb when the time comes (which he did), or, 2. God would raise Isaac from the dead and fulfill his promise as He said He would.

Whatever the case would be, Abraham followed the Lord to every detail. His faith was truly amazing and a model by which we can live our life. We must walk on in faith knowing that although the road may be windy, unclear (foggy), not make sense, even seem like a dead-end; even though it may be painful, or a struggle we must walk on.

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