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Sometimes it can really be difficult when we are earnestly praying for someone or about a situation for a LONG time and we just don't seem to see anything transpire. We can lose heart, we can begin to think or believe that God doesn't care, or that our prayers are not heard, or that something is wrong with us or ... goodness, the list can go on, can't it? It can be so disheartening. But, I want to encourage you, if you have been praying about someone, or a situation; your friend, a co-worker, a child, a parent, a marriage, a spouse, a loved one, ... whomever. One, God does hear your prayers, and the prayers of the righteous affect much (James 5:16); two, God's timing is perfect; He does what He thinks is best and in His time (which both are sometimes contrary to our opinion (I can attest); and three, the point to this photo I made is that He is doing something... and in the process, we just need to TRUST and be rejoicing in WHO we know HE is, that never changes. This Christmas season, we can remember that He came in the form of a baby to live a sinless life on our behalf so that we might have life, life abundant, and free. Free to love Him, live for Him, and have it eternal. He came, He died on the cross and sacrificed himself for us so that we could live with Him. He rose again three days later to defeat death, once and for all. That is the God who loves us. That is the truth that we can rest upon when all seems so chaotic and messy and when we are hurting. He knows our pain and stress. He loves us, cares for Have a wonderful Christmas and a FANTASTIC 2017!

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